Call for Research Proposals 2023 – 2025
OSINTELINK seeks to promote inquiry and systematic investigation that will contribute to the knowledge base of SOCMINT. As described in the agenda, OSINTELINK research may focus on individual, community, corporate or societal issues and should be responsive to current security and intelligence perspectives. OSINTELINK research should be governed by legal and ethical consideration for research participants and seek to inform and improve both SOCMINT Theory and Practice.
SOCMINT: Theory and Practice
The OSINTELINK Research Agenda was developed to delineate OSINTELINK’s research direction and bring together researchers and practitioners with the aim of improving SOCMINT theory and practice. In support of this work, the SOCMINT Research Council has been charged with soliciting research proposals that encourage practitioner–researcher collaboration.
The Award
Each award provides up to EUR 25,000 for applicants who are currently working on or would like to start research projects that are aligned with the OSINTELINK Research Agenda.
Before applying we would like to receive your Proposal Abstract describing your project’s concept and objective(s), in order to assess the project proposals submitted and decide whether to grant funding (please use the Request a Consultation form).
Proposal Abstract describing Concept and Objectives
Explain the concept of your project. What are the main ideas that led you to propose this work?
Describe in detail the project objectives. Show how they relate to the topics addressed by the call, which you should explicitly identify. The objectives should be those achievable within the project, not through subsequent development. They should be stated in a measurable and verifiable form, including through the milestones that will be met.
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